The Fishing Trawler (Safe). Just as the name says it's a Fishing-related game. Players work together to prevent boats from sinking and try to OSRS Gold catch the maximum number of fish possible. For a reward, they receive whatever they capture.
Gnome Ball (Risky). A game that resembles football but only by a small amount that lets a player or several play as a team to get a goal against the group of Gnomes. Because gnomes often play dirty, it's a good idea to bring some food to the game. In a minigame, you will be rewarded with Ranged and Agility skills.
Gnome Restaurant (Safe). In this one you simply need to deliver the desired food to the NPC within a certain time. You'll earn unique food rewards for your effort. Impulsive impulses (Safe). This one is constantly catching implings in a Jar. As a reward you receive Hunter exp and some junk objects.
Mage Trainer Arena (Safe). Mini-game with four smaller games that are based around Magic skill and the usage of spells. If you win in the Mage Training Arena you can receive "Pizzaz Points" exchangeable for various rewards that include Bones, Runes, a Peaches spell and a an Infinity Robe set.
Rogues Den (Safe). The Thieves guild is where players can compete against one another on a course which will put their wits and thieving abilities to Buy RS Gold the examination. The players who can successfully complete the maze will be rewarded with huge amounts of experience in the respective skills, and also Rogue Armour pieces.